How much do your charge for your services?

I offer customized coaching packages that range in price. Another option is individual coaching sessions that are useful for concrete, specific needs, like negotiating a job offer or asking for a promotion or raise. Some clients meet with me for a session or two to review assessment reports they received in the past but aren’t sure how to interpret today. Others want to complete an assessment to help them increase their self-understanding and leadership. I offer a range of assessments and the expertise and certifications necessary to interpret them. These include Hogan Assessments, EQi-2.0, CPI, StrengthsFinder/CliftonStrengths, DiSC, MBTI, and others. Assessment packages are focused and brief coaching engagements. In all cases, my prices vary based on agreed upon services and, if relevant, the price of desired assessments.

I haven’t written a resume in years. Will you write one for me?

I will gladly help you update your resume. In fact, I do this with more than half of my clients. I can recommend terrific people who write resumes “from scratch” based on interviewing you and/or gathering short-answer data from you. I am happy to refer you to the right person for your needs!

My LinkedIn profile needs updating, and I haven’t been leveraging LinkedIn to increase my network and benefit my career. Can you help me with these things?

Yes, absolutely. I frequently help clients improve their LinkedIn profile and develop a strategy for engaging more effectively on LinkedIn to achieve their professional goals.

Do the employers of your clients sometimes pay for these services?

YES! Let’s talk about this option.

May I talk with you confidentially about what I’m dealing with?

Of course! Please click here to leave a note, and I’ll reply within 24 hrs. I meet with potential clients for a free 20-30 minute phone consultation. You deserve this and so much more if you contract with me as your coach! You should feel 1) confident that I can provide what you need; 2) comfortable with my coaching style; and 3) hopeful that, yes, you will cross your “threshold” successfully.